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The Word That Heals: Experiencing the Power of Prayer
Psalms 107:20 “He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” There is healing in the word of God. The word of God is life and spirit. This book is about using the word of God for prayer. This book will teach you how to use the word of God to obtain healing. It is a book of prayer. If you can continually use the prayer points inside this book, you will experience the healing power in the word of God.
Journey to the Next Level: Arise, Advance and Progress in Every Area of Your Life
This book exposes the reality of challenges to progress and also confirms the certainty of success if you refuse to quit. If people that came into this world before you could make progress and rise to the level of significance in their journey, then you don’t have any excuse not to achieve something similar or greater. It is time for you to journey to the next level in every facet of your life!
Faith That Always Wins: Discover the Power of a Living Faith
Faith has been described as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).
This book explores the dynamism of faith and how it can be applied to various issues of life. You will learn in this book; how you can grow your faith to a level in which you become undefeatable in life. It is revealed in this book that faith has different stages of development, and this explains why some believers pass through life with failure and defeat. Every believer has a certain amount of faith at the beginning of their journey as a Christian. This was given in order to kick-start their journey, but it is not the end – it is the beginning. As you feed your spirit with the Word of God and grow in your knowledge of God, your faith level will grow. As you grow in faith, you will be able to trust God for greater miracles.
The Winning Formula: Discover How to Live a Life of Possibility!
Life is full of different kind of battles but victory is certain. Though victory is certain, we still need to fight for it. This book will teach you how to work out victory in all the battles of your life. You will learn in this book the way of victory and how to walk on it. You can win in life if you can resist all the operations Satan fashions against you. You can possess all your possessions if you can rise against illegal occupiers devil has brought ahead of you to take over what belongs to you. You have an inheritance but there is a need to challenge the strange hand holding it.
Building a Glorious Home: A Pathway to a Successful Marriage
Marriage was established by God, not man. Therefore, the success of marriage is in the hand of God, not man. If you can allow God to teach you about marriage, you will have a joyful marital experience. This book will teach you how to learn about marriage from the infallible word of God-Bible. The book is developed from the word of God.
The Enemy of Marriage
Satan has been working against the success of marriage by exploiting the weaknesses of the partners to cause crises in their marriage. If you have a marital crisis, you will need to identify where Satan has become involved. For your marriage to stand, you will need to be conscious of the devil’s schemes. Satan is the real enemy of marriage; it is not your spouse, or any other human being. But the weaknesses in your spouse or yourself might have given him the opportunity to mess with the affairs of your home. This book will educate you about Satan’s warfare against marriage and how to deal with it. May God bless your marriage abundantly as you read this book in Jesus name.
The New Creature: Discover the New Life Within
This book compares the old and the new life. It exposes the lifestyle of a natural man yet to be born-again. There are many Christians that claim that they are new creatures but a close examination of their lifestyle indicates otherwise. Though they claim to be born-again, they still live the life they used to live before giving their lives to Jesus Christ. As a new creature, a different lifestyle is expected of you. You are to apply the principles of the kingdom of God in every area of your life. When you become a new creature, you receive divine knowledge that enables you deny the devil any opportunity to lure you into the practice of the former things.