Choir & Drama
Psalms 117:1 O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people.Our diverse worship team is comprised of several talented singers and exceptional instrumentalists who deliver dynamic praise & worship and special ministrations during our Sunday worship service. We strive to worship God truly and sincerely from the heart, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and focused on Jesus as the theme and heart of it. We also seek to inspire faith in those who hear us. We welcome you to come and join us to celebrate Christ in music and songs.
The choir host Eve of Praise (EOP) which is an explosive gospel concert which sees choirs from Bristol and the South West come together for an evening of awesome praise & worship. EOP commenced in 2010 and is a forum for collaborating musically with sister churches and Christian musicians within Bristol and its environment, with a view of fostering unity amongst breathrens. It is also a form of evangelism for spreading the gospel and the good news of Jesus Christ and the entire Christian race.
The idea behind EOP is to create an atmosphere for encouraging the younger ones among us. This is evidenced by the progress we have made so far.
This annual event is definitely something both the choir and local community look forward to. We look forward to seeing you at the next concert!
Romans 12:1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.The Drama ministry aims to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ through various forms of drama, seeking to inspire, instruct and encourage its audience. We are a group of vibrant individuals which include people from the children’s ministry, the singles, the men and the women. One of our main goals is to enhance the worship experience through entertainment as well as seeking various avenues through which the Gospel can be ministered through drama.